Globe & Mail: Your biggest asset? You!

Posted by Jackelyn Ford on Friday, August 30, 2013
The Globe and Mail | June 11, 2012

Canadians’ ability to earn income is usually their biggest asset, more valuable even than their home or other investments, and that asset is at greater risk than many realize, through death, disability and illness, says Steven Parker, Assistant Vice-President, Product and Marketing, Individual Insurance, Man...

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BNN: 29% of households living paycheque to paycheque

Posted by Jackelyn Ford on Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Bertrand Marotte | May 22, 2013

One-third of Canadian households over the past year never or almost never had enough money left over after paying essential expenses, says a new report.

A survey conducted for the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada indicates that 29 percent - or three in 10 - households found it difficult to sock away any money once key bills were paid.

The poll also shows t...

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Jackelyn Ford These articles have been chosen because they provide a macro view of the financial world. This wide scope of articles can then be applied to aid your own personal financial situation. E.O.E.