BNN: Trillion dollar view on 2013

Posted by Jackelyn Ford on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 staff | January 9, 2013

The performance of U.S. markets will be tempered by a weak economy, lower personal incomes and the threat of a U.S. government debt downgrade, says David Darst, chief investment strategist for Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, which oversees $1.7 trillion US in assets.

For these reasons, the firm is calling for "mid to high single-digit returns" for U.S. markets this year, says Darst.

We are "not exc...

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BNN: Census shows spike in seniors, East-West labour gap

Posted by Jackelyn Ford on Thursday, December 6, 2012
 Bill Curry, The Globe and Mail | May 29, 2012
Canada's latest census numbers underscore the growing obsession of federal and provincial governments with demographics, as the retiring baby boom generation is starting to have major policy implications for labour markets, taxation and the quality of key social programs like health care.

Nationwide, the number of seniors aged 65 and over increased 14.1 percent ...

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Jackelyn Ford These articles have been chosen because they provide a macro view of the financial world. This wide scope of articles can then be applied to aid your own personal financial situation. E.O.E.