CTV News: Dip Once, Then Dip Again

Posted by Jackelyn Ford on Friday, August 27, 2010


Eric Atkins – August 26, 2010

Web searches for the phrase "double-dip recession" have soared since April, according to Google

Bad economic signs

  • Government stimulus spending aimed at preventing a global economic collapse is running out.

  • Canadian inflation has been soft.

  • Persistent weakness in U.S. employment, durable goods orders and the real estate sector.

Good economic signs

  • Most ...

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BNN: U.S. Jobless Claims Fall

Posted by Jackelyn Ford on Friday, August 27, 2010
Reuters August 26, 2010

New U.S. claims for unemployment benefits fell more that expected last week but a measure of underlying labour market trends rose to a nine-month high.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits fell 31,000 to a seasonally adjusted 473,000 in the week ended August 21, the Labour Department said.
The four-week average of new claims, considered a better measure of underlying labour market trends as it irons out week-to-week volatility, rose 3,250 to 486,750, the...

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Jackelyn Ford These articles have been chosen because they provide a macro view of the financial world. This wide scope of articles can then be applied to aid your own personal financial situation. E.O.E.